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Otto Eckhart Ordeal
Niall Edworthy

Category: Fiction: General
ISBN: 1-910787-69-8 EAN: 978-1-910787-69-4 Format: Paperback Pages: 348 Publisher: Universe Year: 2020 Quantity in Stock: 102
Cover price: £10 Sale Price: £3.99

Otto Eckhart's Ordeal is a work of historical fiction inspired by the true story of Otto Rahn, occultist member of Nazi Germany's Schutzstaffel (SS) Ahnenerbe think tank, and his search for the Holy Grail. He believes that in finding such a trophy, he will succeed in proving Ayran supremacy for Nazi Germany. In Niall Edworthy's riveting retelling, a naïve young historian, Otto Eckhart, is personally dispatched by SS leader Heinrich Himmler to seek a holy chalice, only to discover the real-life Chalice of Tomar. Set over the course of a six-month span in 1937, the action unfolds across Berlin, the Odenwald mountain range, Wewelsburg Castle, and the Languedoc region of France. Sure to delight history buffs and World War II scholars, Otto Eckhart's Ordeal is an absorbing coming-of-age story about love, life, and the search for meaning.

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