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Looking for a New England
Simon Matthews

Category: Art & Media: Stage & Screen
ISBN: 0-85730-411-9 EAN: 978-0-85730-411-7 Format: Paperback Pages: 261 Publisher: Oldcastle Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 185
Cover price: £16.99 Sale Price: £4.99

What happened to UK cinema and TV when swinging London ended? Looking for a New England covers the period 1975 to 1986, from Slade in Flame to Absolute Beginners. A carefully researched exploration of transgressive films, the career of David Bowie, dystopias, the Joan Collins ouevre, black cinema, the origins and impact of punk music, political films, comedy, how Ireland and Scotland featured on our screens and the rise of Richard Branson and a new, commercial, mainstream. The sequel to Psychedelic Celluloid, it describes over 100 film and TV productions in detail, together with their literary, social and musical influences during a time when profound changes shrank the size of the UK cinema industry.

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