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Picking a Pedigree
Emma Milne

Category: General Non Fiction: Reference
ISBN: 1-912178-89-3 EAN: 978-1-912178-89-6 Format: Paperback Pages: 174 Publisher: 5M Year: 2018 Quantity in Stock: 183
Cover price: £19.95 Sale Price: £4.99

The issue of congenital problems in popular breeds of dogs and cats is now much more public than a decade ago, yet brachycephalic breeds of dog, hairless cats and munchkin cats continue to grow in popularity. Often prospective pet owners don't know the health implications of the pet they are buying and vets may not be comfortable criticising the client's selection of a new puppy once it has been acquired. The purpose of Picking a Pedigree is to raise public awareness of what constitutes a healthy puppy or kitten, to inform what the medical implications of inherited features are and describe the human-influenced breeding practices that have created manufactured problems for the sake of appearance and arbitrary breed standards. The aim is to provide an informative and positive resource so that prospective pet owners have the science-based information they need to make an informed choice on selecting a new family member. Choosing a pet with inherited defects can cost thousands in vet bills and anguish for family members and creates a relinquishment problem for animal shelters taking in abandoned pets with health problems. The contents guide the reader through the evolutionary background of dogs and cats, a discussion of what pedigree means, followed by chapters describing the typical inherited diseases and deformities attributed to certain breeds such as breathing problems, excessive hair, heart disease, skin problems and back problems. The book concludes with advice about how to buy a healthy puppy or kitten, how to find a good breeder and what tools there are to help people make a selection that is suitable for them. Picking a Pedigree is a book that all responsible prospective pet owners should read before making a decision on acquiring a new puppy or kitten.

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