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European identity
Stephen Green

Category: General Non Fiction: Politics/Current Affairs
ISBN: 1-910376-17-5 EAN: 978-1-910376-17-1 Format: Paperback Pages: 96 Publisher: Haus Publishing Year: 2016 Quantity in Stock: 35
Cover price: £7.99 Sale Price: £2.99

What—if anything—do the twenty-eight member states of the European Union have in common? Amidst all the variety, can one even speak of a European identity? In this timely book, Stephen Green explores these questions and argues for the necessity of the European voice in the international community. Green points out that Europeans can readily define the differences that separate them from others around the globe, but they have yet to clearly define their own similarities across member states. He argues that Europe has something distinctive and vitally important to offer: the experience of a unique journey through centuries of exploration and conflict, errors and lessons, soul-searching and rebuilding—an evolution of universal significance. Coming at a time when the divisions in European culture have been laid bare by recent financial crises and calls for independence, The European Identity identifies one of the biggest challenges for all of the member states of the European Union.

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