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How to Teach Meditation to Children: A Practical Guide
David Fontana, Ingrid Slack

Category: Leisure: Health & Beauty
ISBN: 1-78678-087-9 EAN: 978-1-78678-087-4 Format: pb Pages: 209 Publisher: Watkins Publishing Year: 2017 Quantity in Stock: 15
Cover price: £12.99 Sale Price: £6.99

This is a new edition of the classic guide to teaching meditation to children - one of the first and still one of the best in terms of clarity, practicality and usability. Avoiding religious terminology, it's aimed at both parents and teachers and explains the varying techniques for working with children in different age groups (from 5 upward), offering a wide range of easy-to-follow and effective exercises. The book explains the benefits of meditation for children, from relieving shyness, anxiety and tension to reducing hyperactivity, aggression and impatience. Meditation has also proved helpful when treating asthma, insomnia and depression, and in improving concentration, establishing emotional balance and enhancing imagination and creativity. In fact, meditation is one of the best tools we can offer children to help them cope with the intensity of their feelings and ease the pressures in their lives - among family, with friends and at school. It gives even very young children power over their thinking and emotions through enhanced self-understanding and is incredibly valuable in helping adolescents to navigate the emotional peaks and valleys of the transition from childhood to adulthood. The edition will be given a new foreword by a prominent child psychologist, and a design that highlights the exercises and makes the text even easier to navigate.

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