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Outsider in the White House
Senator Bernie Sanders

Category: General Non Fiction: Politics/Current Affairs
ISBN: 1-78478-418-4 EAN: 978-1-78478-418-8 Format: Paperback Pages: 346 Publisher: Verso Year: 2015 Quantity in Stock: 67
Cover price: £9.99 Sale Price: £3.99

The political autobiography of the insurgent presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’s campaign for the presidency of the United States has galvanized people all over the country, putting economic, racial, and social justice into the spotlight, and raising hopes that Americans can take their country back from the billionaires and change the course of history. In this book, Sanders tells the story of a passionate and principled political life. He describes how, after cutting his teeth in the Civil Rights movement, he helped build a grassroots political movement in Vermont, making it possible for him to become the first independent elected to the US House of Representatives in forty years. The story continues into the US Senate and through the dramatic launch of his presidential campaign.

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