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[cover image]

Access to Justice for the Chinese Consumer
Ling Zhou

Category: General Non Fiction: Politics/Current Affairs
ISBN: 1-5099-3105-8 EAN: 978-1-5099-3105-7 Format: Hardback Pages: 170 Publisher: Hart Year: 2020 Quantity in Stock: 68
Cover price: £65 Sale Price: £8.99

This monograph offers an ethnographic exploration of the local organisation of consumer complaint processing and dispute resolution in the People's Republic of China - now the second largest consumer market in the world - and how the consumer, both ordinary and 'professional', experiences the local system. Drawing on detailed analysis of an impressive amount of empirical data, this book highlights local Chinese understandings and practice styles of 'mediation', as well as identifying a continuing sense of reliance in popular consciousness on the government for securing consumer rights in China. These are not only important features of consumer dispute processing in themselves, but also help to explain the failure of an ombuds system to emerge. By looking at the nature of and issues in China's distinctive consumer dispute resolution and complaints system, and the experiences of consumers with that system, this innovative book illustrates the processes available at the local level giving access to justice for aggrieved consumers and provides a unique contribution to comparative consumer law studies in Asia and elsewhere.

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