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Becky Shaw
Gina Gionfriddo

Category: Art & Media: Stage & Screen
ISBN: 1-4081-4701-7 EAN: 978-1-4081-4701-6 Format: Paperback Pages: 94 Publisher: Methuen Drama Year: 2011 Quantity in Stock: 33
Cover price: £9.99 Sale Price: £2.99

I'm also going to give you some advice. Your husband is not the Red Cross. The last time he started consoling a cute, suicidal chick, he married her. Becky Shaw is an amusing and cleverly constructed comedy about ambition, the cost of being truthful, and the perils of a blind date. The fast and funny dialogue navigates between five distinctively perverse and disingenuously dysfunctional characters. The plot is as follows: from the moment that Becky arrives overdressed for her blind date with straight-talking Max, it's clear the evening won't go to plan. In the immediate fallout, Becky becomes an object of devotion for her boss Andrew, who appears to have a fetish for vulnerable women. In turn Andrew's wife Suzanna turns to her step-brother Max for comfort, and their mutual desire begins to resurface. Gina Gionfriddo's masterful play is a biting American comedy with sharp, witty dialogue and a carefully crafted yet unforced story arc. Character-driven, Becky Shaw is a comic tale of tangled love lives and a subtle but acerbic comedy of manners.

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