Mike Lupica
Category: Fiction: Crime Fiction
ISBN: 0-85730-487-9 EAN: 978-0-85730-487-2 Format: Paperback Pages: 219 Publisher: No Exit Press Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 173
Cover price: £9.99 Sale Price: £3.99
PI Sunny Randall has often relied on the help of her best friend Spike in times of need. When Spike's restaurant is taken over under a predatory loan agreement, Sunny has a chance to return the favour. At the same time, Sunny's cop contact Lee Farrell asks her to intervene with his niece, who reported being the victim of a crime but seems to know more than she's telling police. What appear to be two disparate cases are united by a common factor, and the picture becomes even more muddled.
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